Pandemic drawings: SEASIDE

Graphite drawing - View of Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

View of Copacabana, beach, palm trees

Graphite drawing - Trees perspective in the Leme seaside

Trees perspective in the Leme seaside

Digitally colored graphite drawing - Beach view in Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Digitally colored beach view in Leme

Graphite drawing - Monument and trees in Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Phallic Military monument and trees in front of 'Duque de Caxias' Fort

Graphite drawing - Bronze staue of Castello Branco - Military dictatorship started with this guy in 1964 - Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bronze staue of Castello Branco - Leme

Graphite drawing - Portrait of a leaf

Portrait of a leaf

Digitally colored graphite drawing - leaning trees in Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Digitally colored of trees leaning from the sea wind

Graphite drawing - Portrait of a tree in Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Close-up portrait of a tree in Leme

Graphite drawing - Copacabana beach perspective

Copacabana beach perspective

Digitally colored graphite drawing - Hill and poles in Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Leme hill and poles - color is digitally added

Graphite drawing - Trees in Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Trees in Leme with parked car - nature and modernity

Graphite drawing - Cannon of the past on the Leme seafront

Cannon of the past on the Leme seafront

Graphite drawing - leaning trees in Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Poles and trees in leaning Leme, perspective

Graphite drawing - Copacabana beach perspective with beach food vendor

Copacabana beach perspective with beach food vendor

Graphite drawing - Trees in Leme - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Trees in Leme with statue in the back

Graphite drawing - Entrance to the 'Duque de Caxias' Military Fort in Leme with statue and leaning trees

Leme: entrance of Military Fort 'Duque de Caxias' - his statue too

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All images & texts: Copyright Roberto Delpiano - 1997-2025