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moving EAST


Welcome to my digital postcards for friends, curious and accompanying people that will join me and the other participants of the team in this experience.

Not such a new experience (I already did a cross-country in 1998, please check out the PHOTOJOURNEY section), and definitely less exciting than all the adventures of the past centuries, but driving across the USA is always something different and fun. The discovery of a culture, places, and a good way to have all our good friends going along with us, having fun with us, (and at our expenses!) and sharing new experiences, hopefully only good ones.

This web site section has been conceived by me, Roberto and my wife Lise. It is composed of a logbook with pictures and a diary written by Lise.
Our friend Ernie that is part of the team didn't want to participate in working on the web site because we reserved for him the back seat, rather uncomfortable in this case due to the enormous quantity of survival items that we are taking along with us, and the size of the car itself, not especially fit for such a long journey ...

The web site is almost completely database driven, so please excuse us if it may be visually boring, but I will try to make it as appealing as possible with the different information and trivia!
Thing that doesn't really happen nowadays on TV shows, and you even pay for cable, when this is all FREE !!!

So, hop on board, check the map, and we're going!!!