Pandemic drawings

2020: this is a special year, in a way.

It's the time in which everything recedes: wealth, freedom, environment ... we live under pressure, under the risk of seeing the end of our lives. The ones who survive ...

Not good, definitely, something has to be done, and sometimes ART comes out strong in a situation like this, it helps survive, it gives strenght to go through the bad times, toward a better future.

This is why I created the Pandemic drawings.

Nothing really special, maybe, but they are very special for me.


Drawings of what is around me, meaningless or maybe not.

The "every day" felt as special, one day after another, one white sheet of paper after another, the usual bulk of drawing pencils, a new "Renaissance".

Well, maybe not, but who knows.

As long as we let our creativity run, which creates a trail ...

Pandemic drawings, here they come:
2020 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



All images & texts: Copyright Roberto Delpiano - 1997-2025