Advertising photography

The re-creation of reality

Advertising photography has many aspects, above all the transmission of all the characteristics (and more!) of the product you are looking at / shooting at / representing, and then the preparation of it, the love that has to be conveyed through your image.

Details, sensations.


Most exciting of all, is the challenge of the impossible task: the egg that breaks, the trays which float in the air, new worlds out of ugly parts.

All pre-Photoshop era work, when problem solving was paramount and it was followed by PHOTOSHOP RETOUCHING.


Corporate photography

How to present the image of the company and its product in the most powerful creative eye-catching possible way.

Product photography

Each product has its own personality, and photography is called to show it, most of the times to exaggerate it.

Mechanics photography

Mechanics, plastic, reflective objects, where light and reflections are the only way of showing strenght and shape.

Food & Wine photography

Appeal of food and transparency of wine bottles the main issue here. And a lot of seemingly unimportant issues that may make a photo great or ... unappealing.

The Delpiano Photographic Studio

Where everything happens. No external light, electric wires everywhere, the electronic technology of the Eighties-Nineties and the small tricks which every photographer keeps as secret as possible from competition.



All images & texts: Copyright Roberto Delpiano - 1997-2025