Advertising Corporate photography

Cover images of products with in-camera superimposed glowing logos, no digital tricks

Cover images of products with in-camera superimposed glowing logos, no digital tricks

Floating mechanical objects, and the industrial fans were quite big and heavy

Some 200 meters of paper-making machinery, I had to provide the extra illumination

Some 200 meters of paper-making machinery, I had to provide the extra illumination

Broken egg picture for an accident prevention products company

Broken egg picture for an accident prevention products company

The 'egg that breaks' may seem a simple picture to take, but it was not, especially without the computer retouching!
There was only 2 milliseconds from the 'broken' to the 'splattered' egg look, and we're talking late Eighties technlogy here.
I ended up having a rotten-egg-smelly-studio for a couple weeks

Mixup of new and old technologies. The computer eroding power from the manual design

Mixup of new and old technologies. The computer eroding power from the manual design

Product cover for locks producer Product Catalogue

Product cover for locks producer Product Catalogue

The locks are really floating, sort of.
They are supported in a very unsteady balance, no way I could fix anything with retouching or post-production, needed to be clean and ready for print from the camera.
I did a few of these sets at the time, for different lines of product, including a 'Flying Safe'
Should have a slide of it somewhere in one of my 'works of the past' boxes

Working with steel, no prepared composition, looking around in the workshop ... digital!

Working with steel, no prepared composition, looking around in the workshop ... digital!

Catalogue covers: Spring and Easter are coming, let's enjoy them

Catalogue covers: Spring and Easter are coming, let's enjoy them

Images convey the idea of Easter, product and sensations. Logos will do the rest

Fantasy table-top compositions for catalogue covers

Fantasy table-top compositions for catalogue covers

All in-camera compositions, creating a world and a story from mechanical parts

11 colors on plastic and aluminum foil for this ice cream, cookies, candies packaging maker

11 colors on plastic and aluminum foil for this ice cream, cookies, candies packaging maker

Prunotto wines, Alba - Italy. Catalogue page and product picture

Prunotto wines, Alba - Italy. Catalogue page and product picture

Hard work was to take pictures where there was no existing light, and there was no space where to place camera and lighting equipment

Leikam factory: airview of quite a paper production plant in Austria

Leikam factory: airview of quite a paper production plant in Austria

Conditioning air equipment for salami processing

Conditioning air equipment for salami processing

Getting the right lights was the usual challenge, and also the narrow complicated wet environment too ...

Photo posterizations for a Bank Yearly Prospect

Photo posterizations for a Bank Yearly Prospect

All darkroom process here ...

Industrial ice-cream sticks + background for a Food Products Catalogue

Industrial ice-cream sticks + background for a Food Products Catalogue

Ice-cream is really in the air, under hot lamps, melting fast ...
No Photoshop involved, of course

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All images & texts: Copyright Roberto Delpiano - 1997-2025