Wide view of Venice: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

"Traité de la Peste" - Marseille 1721

by Jean-Jacques Manget - 1652-1742

Jean-Jacques Manget wrote the book "Traité de la Peste" about the Plague in Marseilles, in 1721, right in the middle of the infection, and this image was on the front cover.

"Abito di medico, e d'altre persone,
che visitano gli appestati.
Il medesimo abito è di marrochino di Levante, la maschera tiene gli occhi di cristallo, ed un lungo naso
ripieno di profumi.
Descritto dal Sigr. Manget."

"Dress for a Doctor and other people,
who are visiting the plague victims.
The dress itself is made of Eastern morroccan leather, the mask has crystal eyes, and a long nose full of scents.
As described by Mr. Manget."

The Plague Doctor, from Jean-Jacques Manget,
"Traité de la peste" (1721)

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