Wide view of Venice: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

der Doctor Schnabel von Rom - the Dr Beak from Rome

by Paul Fürst - 1608-1666

This is probably the more known rendering of the Plague Doctor of those times, in a colored version that gives even a stronger impression of the outfit spookiness.

“Vos Creditis, als eine fabel
quod scribitur vom Doctor Schnabel
der fugit die Contagion
et aufert seinen Lohn darvon
Cadavera sucht er zu fristen
Gleich wie der Corvus auf der Misten
Ah Credite, sihet nicht dort hin
Dann Romae regnat die Pestin.
Quis non deberet sehr erschrecken
für seiner Virgul oder stecken
qua loquitur als wär er stumm
und deutet sein consilium.
Wie mancher Credit ohne zweiffel
das ihn tentir ein schwartzen teuffl
Marsupium heist seine Höll
und aurum die geholte seel.”

“You believe it is a fable
What is written about Dr. Beak
Who flees the contagion
And snatches his wage from it
He seeks cadavers to eke out a living
Just like the raven on the dung heap
Oh believe, don’t look away
For the plague rules Rome.
Who would not be very frightened
Before his little rod or stick
By which means he speaks as though he were mute, and indicates his decision
So many a one believes without doubt
That he is touched by a black devil
His hell is called “purse”
And the souls he fetches are gold.”

Paul Fürst: "der Doctor Schnabel von Rom"
"Dr. Beak (The Plague Doctor) from Rome"
colored engraving (1656)

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