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Aug 13, 2004



There we go. Virginia is receiving us with the best possible. While Lise goes for one of those endless professional reunions at the University, I stay at home to try to sort out things, so as to reconstruct a livable place. It's hot as hell, not even Rio during the carnival is like this, I can barely breath, if it's true that man descends from fishes, well, here I am, I am going back the evolution ladder!

Lise's happy about the kitchen


And you see why, almost all the boxes and plastic bags are gone already!

The dinig room is still undergoing some reorganization


And the bed room (if we can call it so) too


My studio is still a mess


High towers of boxes everywhere (but what do I have in these boxes?)

I hope the electricity guy comes as soon as possible, at least before I die. He does, but doesn't notify me that all breakers are set and I can put the AC to work. Likely I get help from one of the neighbors, Mary. She's the one I will probably bother more with my saxophone exercises, but walls are thick, I count on that.
Finally the AC starts, and the fridge too. I refrain from the idea of staying a little inside the fridge to cool off, could be dangerous, but I stick my last beer in the freezer, bringing it to the right (estupidamente gelada) point for a human being to consume it.

It finally gets there and it's one of those scenes you may see in advertising (and they are all fake there!) but this one is real, a real cold-beer-orgasm, and starting of a new life.
Incidentally we got advised that tomorrow a hurricane should get in the area, so we'd better be prepared because last year it did lots of damage and there was no electricity for 11 days! Just now that my fridge was working! It is not fair! So we start organizing, and buying stuff (food, water, batteries ...) waiting for the event.