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Aug 08, 2004



Roberto felt much better, now that the antibiotic and the ibuprofen were doing the work. But his mouth swelled in such a way that he looked like Marlon Brando in the Godfather. With double cotton balls.

This is Don Roberto Corleone in the morning. During the night a huge infection invaded my face, but it doesn't hurt anymore. Thanks God, I can start eating again.

Would you believe this? 5 different grades of gasoline at the pump. This is Kansas for you.

Warehouse in Kansas, industries ...


Don Corleone in the oil business?


... mmmh ... Bible Belt?


Missouri at last! Gorgeous, green, they're waiting for us, hurry up!

We left Eureka at 10:30 and drove all the way to Jackson City, the capital of Missouri. Yes, I also thought it was Saint Louis. We stopped for breakfast in a diner soon after Eureka that was perfect for any Hollywood movie about teens in Heartland America. Good (but simple) food, the waitress calls you 'hon', no credit cards. If you ask for the special (stake, bacon and eggs, in a number of different combinations), you are ok, they will cook everything on the spot. Ask for something fancy (like Roberto's fish sandwich) and you will have something out from freezer.

Missouri has more hills and moisture than the western states, and you can see it from the roads. Lakes, forests, an interesting contrast to the flat desert in Arizona. Not more beautiful, just different. I am still in love with the desert, and the New Mexico mesas. We had a brief pit-stop to buy some sandals in an outlet complex, just after Osage Beach, because I forgot my sandals in one of our stops, and because Roberto's sneakers were falling apart. We passed by Jefferson City (which is supposed to have a nice capitol; I didn't see it, sorry) and, sticking to our policy of avoiding highways, we took the Lewis and Clark trail, that goes parallel to the Missouri river. Great road, great curves and great views. But we were getting late ... our friends in Saint Louis were expecting us by late afternoon, and it was already 6:00 PM. We decided to get back to the main highway, and found out that Missourians drive like nuts. They really, really run. We got to Sergey's house by 8:00 PM, and he, Andrea and Annya (their two-month old daughter) were waiting for us outside. Sergey is a professor at George Washington University and they are living in a very nice apartment at the University City. One of those 1920 buildings, with lots of closets and windows. They are great, great people, the kind that makes you feel totally at home. The kind that makes sure that you see they are using your wedding gift and all those small kindnesses. After a great dinner, Roberto and Sergey kept talking until three in the morning. No early departing for the next day ...


Eureka, KS - Saint Louis, MO


398 miles