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Aug 06, 2004



This was dentist hunting day ... and we missed the prey. We had called a friend who lived in Santa Fe who suggested us a dentist; we had all intention to get there in time. Roberto's tooth was not hurting too much in the morning, so we got the timing completely wrong. First, we decided to work in the website in the morning, before leaving ... which meant that we did not leave the motel before 9 am. Second, we decided to visit the Petrified Forest ... which was only 20 miles away. We promised ourselves that we would ONLY drive through; no stops allowed. And, of course, we broke our promise. The Petrified Forest is magnificent, unique, set in the Painted Desert, a large area with colored mountains and incredible views. You see those incredible tree trunks, and we get closer to find out that there is no wood there. Just rock. Crystal. It took us 2 hours to leave the 28 miles of the Petrified Forest Highway. Then we realized our third miscalculation: New Mexico was one hour ahead of Arizona. We had to arrive in Santa Fe in 4 hours, and that was 300 miles away.

Arizona, incredible scenery, just out of Holbrook, AZ.


And here we see a petrified tree, really impressive.


And another one, all solid rock and crystals. Unbelievable, really.

Another Arizona view, all mesas and desert. Deserto Pintado? Not sure, my tooth hurts like hell.

Stuck again in traffic while entering Albunquerque. We're trying to reach a dentist in Santa Fe.

No dentist, trouble going on. But got a ton of pills to take by the local hospital in Las Vegas. No, not that one, dummy!

The view from the road was, again, fabulous. It was still a desert landscape, but not completely, and mesas, those flat top mountains that we see in cowboy movies.  We passed by many Indian craft stores ... I was dreaming of a pair of silver and turquoise earrings, since the Grand Canyon ... but we really wanted to get to Santa Fe before 4:30 PM.

Eventually we made it. We found the dentist office easily, but ... he didn't work that Friday. I know, I know, I should have called. After a brief moment of panic, we decided to drive to a smaller city, where it would be easier to find our way to a pharmacy and maybe a dentist. We left Santa Fe ... I really have to come back one day with time and leisure; I was so much hoping for a nice visit this time!--and drove to Las Vegas (NM), about 70 miles from Santa Fe.  The view was so strange! We saw the same mesas that we had seen from Arizona to Santa Fe, but here they were covered with vegetation, green and luxurious, while before there was only desert shrubs and naked rock. Gorgeous. We found a hospital and had our first experience with emergency health service in the US, and I am so happy we had our insurance papers! Lots of waiting, some antibiotics and ibuprofen later, we were ready for dinner ... if we could find anything open at Las Vegas, New Mexico, after 10:00 PM. After all the very nice Mexican restaurants we saw earlier, it was very disappointig to end up at a Wendy's. I can't say that any Las Vegas, in Nevada or New Mexico, has provided us with a noteworthy gastronomic experience. Bad luck.


Holbrook, AZ - Las Vegas, NM


384 miles