Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni


(16th Century masks)

Even though I have no evidence or reference about it, I would say that to wear these masks were men only. Because the dresses are too shabby for women to wear.

No woman (we're talking noble woman or courtesan) in her sane mind would go in the streets with these clothes on.
Where would her seduction power go?

So these are men for sure, same idea as of the gnaga or sposi disguise.

Very often, to make these disguises more efficient, the masked guys were taking along children, masked too, so they could have fun together fooling other people.

Notice the tall heels (chopines) the "woman" on the left is using, that were in use at the time, to avoid dirtying the feet on the city's muddy streets.

Watercolor by Giovanni Grevembroch: "Mascare del secolo XVI"
Giovanni Grevembroch: "Mascare del secolo XVI" (XVI century masks)
pen, ink & watercolor (18th century) - Museo Correr, Venezia

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