Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni


... although a very deceiving one!

It was not common, during Carnival time, that the regular couple would go out together, quite the opposite.

And they usually pretended not to know each other, in case they met somewhere.

Let's see: can it be here a real couple in peasant clothes ... or some joke is going on? Hard to say, but being Carnival time, I would vote for the joke.

Most of the time it was two men impersonating the couple, with the purpose of having a good laugh at the others.

The same idea of the Gnaga mask, after all: deceive, falsify, tease, Carnival ...

Watercolor by Giovanni Grevembroch: "Mascare"
Giovanni Grevembroch: "Mascare" (Masks)
pen, ink & watercolor (18th century) - Museo Correr, Venezia

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