Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni


Regional mask from Firenze, Tuscany

The character of Stenterello was created around 1791 by Luigi Del Buono (1751-1832), and Stenterello was the name he received from the public, having the looks of a weakling.

Stenterello is the beloved mask of Florence, impersonating the character of Florentinians in those times.

One of the puns that were used for him: Posa Piano, meaning "take your time" but in a sickly way, of somebody being kind of slow.

The character of Stenterello (= barely grown) can be seen as:

  • Skinny and quite frail
  • An exaustive chatterer
  • Sort of a fearful character
  • Quite impulsive and always ready to help other weak people
  • Generous and with the right answer always ready, strictly in the florentinian vernacular (but never vulgar)
  • Quick thinker, very lively and "posa piano" at the same time

He represents, in a way, the lower class Florentinian people, always oppressed, but at the same time still has the strenght to mock their situation and be happy.

Anonymous Artist: Stenterello - "original drawing"
watercolor (19th century)

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