Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

Mattasin remarks

... is this the reason why he's throwing eggs?

There is very little imagery about the Mattasin. More like the same image repeated over and over by Pietro Bertelli and his son Francesco.

But we have to understand that it was a situation that was sort of unique and probably there was no more reference at the time, XV century.

But from one printing to the next, some remarks were added (or removed) and this would show a little of the Mattasin personality to understand him better.

Here the Mattasin is declaring all his love:

"Bella, se voi d'Amor mi date il fiore
Vi dono due sonagli di buon core"

"Sweetheart, if you will give me the flower of love,
I will give you two rattles, out of my good heart"

And a disappointed Mattasin in love from an earlier version by Pietro Bertelli:

"Una Volta giera el to bufon el to ziogo
Adesso che ti ha indoso perle, e raso
Ti no te degni che ti toca el naso"

"There was a time when I was you buffoon, your fun
Now that you wear pearls, and satin
You don't even let your nose be touched"


Etching by Francesco Bertelli: "Mattasin" - 1642
Francesco Bertelli: "Mattasin"
etching (1642) - Museo Correr, Venezia

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