Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni


(The Mattasin)

The Mattasin (Mattaccino in Italian - also known as "frombolatore", because of the sling he used to carry around) is one of the wildest impersonations of the Carnival.

The name comes from the Italian word "mattinate" (mornings), going long hours, until morning, having fun.

With a white or multicolored dress, but simple and practical (as opposed to the traditional classy heavy costumes) and a feathered hat, here comes the Mattasin.

Fun loving, irreverent, with the sling ready for throwing eggs in distance, going around in groups, disapproved by the majority, wild and contemptuous.

Etching by Pietro Bertelli: "Mattasin" (1589-1592)
Pietro Bertelli: "Mattasin"- etching (1589-1592)

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