Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni


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This is how the Island of Venice looks like when seen from above.

It is more or less the same as it was back in the 17th century, didn't change that much.

I am here providing a map to show it to you, but keep your hopes down about not getting lost there.

You can get easily lost even with a real actual detailed map and speaking perfect Italian, even a little bit of Venetian.

But it is almost mandatory to get lost in Venice!
It is fun to get lost in Venice!
So relax and get happily lost, just try to avoid to fall in one of the canals if by chance it's foggy.

There is not a single corner of the city that doesn't deserve attention. It's all pure magic.

Copyright by Roberto Delpiano 1997-2021 - visit my website