Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni


(Il Mondo Niovo - The New World)

As soon as the "new technologies" were being brought to the public's attention, they got into the Carnival show.

Here we see a Magic Lantern, showing who knows which kind of beauties (porn should be ruled out, due to the mother/child scene displayed) of the new world, the future.

Since the times of Marco Polo, Venice has always been curious and receptive for the new discoveries.

"In sta cassela mostro el Mondo niovo
Con dentro lontananze, e prospetive,
Vojo un soldo per testa, e ghe la trovo."

"In this box I show the new world
with distances and perspectives
I ask one coin per person, and I will find it."

this old magic lantern was in those times something like the "new" 3D technologies of these days.
You may want to give a look to some of the Venice in 3D photographs I have been doing since 2009.

Engraving by Gaetano Zompini: "Mondo Nuovo" - 1785
Gaetano Zompini:
"Mondo Nuovo" (New World) - engraving (1785)

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