Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

Carnival Indecent Courtesan Behavior

The story of a simple girl that goes wild with Carnival, and she sort of loses control of her inhibition brakes.

We can tell she is a decent simple girl and not an hard-core courtesan: she is wearing glasses!

There is quite a lot of racism expressed here, too ... XVII century.

"Arriva il Carneval, e la fanciulla
Ch'esser solea di pudititia essempio
Ogn' honesto pensier scaccia, ed annulla.
Non basta à g'amor suoi la Casa, ó l Tempio
Che cangiata di volto in piena Piazza
Adempie ardita il cor avaro, ed empia.
Con Turchi, con Armeni, o simil Razza
Fà, che la scaltra serva agiusti l'hora,
Mentre quà, e là col Drudo suo solazza."

"Carnival comes, and the maiden
Who was an example of modesty
Every honest thought sends away, and sets aside.
Not enough is to her
the love for the Home, or for the Temple,
And changed in her face inside the Square
Daring she fulfills the greedy and unholy heart.
With Turks, Armenians or similar race
She makes the servant do her chores,
While here, and there with her paramour
she has the fun."

Curzio Castagna: "La Cortigiana in Piazza San Marco" (The Courtesan in Saint Mark's Square) - etching (1660-1665)
Curzio Castagna: "La Cortigiana in Piazza San Marco"
(The Courtesan in Saint Mark's Square) - etching (1660-1665)
Raccolta delle Stampe "Achille Bertarelli", Milano

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