Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni


You need to ask something?

Please do it, but to a certain extent.

I like discussion and confrontation, so as much as I can help - the little knowledge I have - I may be able to share.

Just don’t ask for free high resolution files of my images: I spent countless hours to fix them.

Please do the same as I did, and it will help a lot your Photoshop skills.

I can be reached here:

Roberto Delpiano

Roberto Delpiano picture


This website is founded on the best iconography I have been able to find, all the images on this website are as true as possible, I used as little Photoshop as necessary on the originals found from reliable sources, to make images more readable and enjoyable.

The important thing, in my opinion, is to pass around the message, and the original old prints most of the time are too faded/stained from the damages of time.

I'm sure the artists would have been very happy about this attitude.


And, by the way:

  • NO cookies on this website!
  • NO tracking tricks here!
  • All this help is free, my friend, no strings attached, too!

Copyright by Roberto Delpiano 1997-2021 - visit my website