Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni
Watercolor by Giovanni Grevembroch: "Veneziana in ballo" 18th century
Giovanni Grevembroch:
"Veneziana in ballo" (Venetian woman dancing)
pen, ink & watercolor (18th century) - Museo Correr, Venezia

The "FURLANA" dance

(Wild dancing in Carnival time)

On December 5, 1553, the Eccelso Consiglio dei Dieci made a law limiting the dancing hours to end at sunset, so much dancing was popular.

The Furlana dance, of all dances that were popular during Carnival time, was definitely the most cherished. Furlana because it was typical of Friuli.

Women had become so fast and and dexterous, that no man, no matter his strenght or age, could match their dancing.

So just with a few basic instruments - no big orchestra - dances would go on, with the women dancing hard to exhaust their partners.

There is a story of a certain Marietta di Simone Fugarolo, who could dance 54 Furlanas, one after the other. Quite a performance, since it made history.

“Expediunt homines privatos mente choreae
Plus cerebros instabiles, quam pedibus varios”

“It brings forward for shy men the mind of dancing
There are more shaky brains, than shaky feet *”

* Translation not totally reliable here.

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