Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni
Francesco Bertelli: "Maschera da Ferraresi"
(Mask of persons from Ferrara) - Il Carnevale Italiano Mascherato - etching (1642)
Francesco Bertelli: "Maschera da Ferraresi"
(Mask of persons from Ferrara)
Il Carnevale Italiano Mascherato - etching (1642)

Maschera da Ferraresi

(Masked People from Ferrara)

Does this mean that people from Ferrara - 120 km from Venice - are fun loving people?
I would say, people from Emilia region are well known for being fun loving, oh they are.

As the woman is dressed in a non-traditional Venice style, I can imagine she was not an easy prey on the Carnival territory, maybe they brought her over.

To be noticed that she is wearing the "chopines" which are these high wooden extensions women used in the XV, XVI and XVII centuries - so they wouldn't have their feet dirtied by the street mud -and made them look taller as a side benefit.

A win-win choice for sure.

“Noi siam due Ferraresi con la dama
Ch'andiam dove al piacere Amor ci Chiama”

“We are two guys from Ferrara with a dame
Who are going where to find pleasure Love Calls us”

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