Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

FATSO Guy character

... or is it a Bulls Caretaker mask?

No info at all about this mask, but it appears now and then in several paintings, especially of the German-Venetian painters.

I even doubt if this character is coming from some non-Italian Carnival, and popped in there because it's funny looking.

The main image is coming from this Carnival masks and characters by Johann Georg Graevius which is the "Bacchanalia Venetorum" Engraving of a St Mark's Square depiction with all the stereotypes of Carnival masks of that period: Fatso can be found on the lower right side.

Most of characters in that Graevius composite image appear in other engravings and paintings too, information + communication was like this in those ancient times ...

But in the case of this Fatso character is worthwhile to give some attention, and I searched around and was able to find it here and there, especially related to Bulls Chases.

Maybe this wasn't a noble mask, that's why it didn't get any attention in the Bertelli's Carnival book, but it definitely deserves some attention.

The Fatso Guy characteristics:

  • Very simply dressed, Zanni-like costume
  • Big belly with buttons dress in evidence
  • Funny pointed limp hat, with some sort of underface protection
  • Big curve nose, which is replicated in other images by a mask
  • The wheelbarrow with ugly spouse with the hump and sort of fake infant, is a plus, haven't found it anywhere else

If you get any information about this character, get in touch and please let me know.
I gave it the Fatso name, because he has a round belly, I found no reference whatsoever.

Image recovery enlargement and retouch from the engraving
by Johann Georg Graevius: "Il Carnevale di Venezia"

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