Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

Contain Tose: is he ... a Lady's rider?

It is quite unlikely this guy would show up in St. Mark's Square for Carnival, but ... hey!

Anyway, as his character is included in Francesco Bertelli's Il Carnevale Italiano Mascherato, Contain Tose probably had to be known in those times.

The words that come with the image - as all the others in this book edition - are proposing a double-sense foul meaning, with sex-oriented captions.

It is Carnival, everything is allowed.

"Se ben son Contain Tose me care
A sò tirar la brena, e cavalcare."

"Here I am Contain Tose* my dearest
I know how to pull the bridle, and to ride."

* Contain Tose almost surely has a meaning of something on the obscene side, but I haven't been able to find any reference.
The word tose is used in the Venetian area in reference to young women, but I am not sure if it was used in late XVII century. I only have found reference about its use in books printed in the beginning of the XIX century.

Etching by Pietro Bertelli: Cingana (Gipsy Fortune Teller) - 
from: Diversarum Nationum Habitus (Clothing of Different Countries) - etching (1589-1592)
Francesco Bertelli: "Contain Tose"
from: "Nuovo Itinerario d'Italia di Francesco Scoto ..."
(New Itinerary of Italy by Francesco Scoto ...) - etching (1659)

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