Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

Giovanni Domenico (Giandomenico) TIEPOLO

1727-1804 - Painter and etching printmaker in Venezia

To associate the name "Tiepolo" to Carnival imagery, it means we're talking about Giandomenico Tiepolo, the more widely known of the family, in all senses.

Giandomenico Tiepolo came from an artist family, his father - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) - was a well known and recognized fresco painter and did quite high quality works:

  • Würzburg (Bavaria): decorating the famous stairwell fresco (1751-1753)
  • Vicenza: the Villa Valmarana "Ai Nani" (1757)
  • Madrid: at the palace of Charles III (1762–70)

Most of these works were done having his sons Giandomenico and Lorenzo as assistants, and learning the trade.

Lorenzo was good too, but Giandomenico Tiepolo is the one being more reknown and with more bonds to the Carnival.

By the age of 13 he was his father's main assistant, and around the age of 20 he started doing work on commission on his own.

Giovanni Domenico assisted his father in his work until his father's death in 1770, and he then returned to Venice and started to work on his own projects for real, developing his personal style.

Besides his frescoes work and the oil paintings, what is really special about Giandomenico are his drawings.

Lorenzo Baldissera TIEPOLO

1736-1776 - Painter in Venezia e Madrid

We only know about him that in 1750, went to Würzburg with his father and brother, Giovanni Domenico, where he worked with them on the decorative fresco cycle in the Würzburg Residence.

He went back to Venice, but after 5 years only, Lorenzo left Venice forever and established his life in Madrid (ES) where in later years he got a small yearly pension from the Spanish Royal Family, on which he lived.

Lorenzo died quite young, though, with 40 years only.

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