Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni


1550-1620 - Printer in Venezia and Padova
main activity years: 1595-1620

Very little is known about the Venetian engraver Giacomo Franco.

Illegitimate son of the painter Giovanni-Battista Franco, he worked as a painter, engraver, woodcutter, and dealer in graphics and books.

He took over his father's workshop "S.Fosca" in 1595 and in 1610 published the book "Habiti d'huomeni et donne venetiane con la processione della serma. Signoria et altri particolari cioè trionfi, feste et cerimonie publiche della nobilissima cittá di Venetia".

The book is a mix of depictions of Venetian costumes, processions, and celebrations, all traditional and institutional situations, giving a good image of how things were going on in Venice at the time.

I have also found - presented as printed/created by Giacomo Franco - some of the imagery that is attributed to his colleagues Pietro & Francesco Bertelli, showing that they probably collaborated on certain projects.

Business is business, after all.

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