Venezia header: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni
Color illustration by Maurice Sand: Arlechino - 1858
Maurice Sand:
Arlechino (year 1858)
engraving with hand coloring


(Harlequin, Arlechino, Arlequin)

Who does not know this mask, with his patched outfit and witty tongue? The first Harlequin we hear of is Alberto Naselli, from Bergamo, in 1572.

Harlequin is a character that suffers from his poverty, who wears a colorful patched costume, the patches probably remnants of richer costumes.

Harlequin displays an anarchic kind of behavior, is always hungry and without money, in modern times he could have been a hippie. Harlequin expression looking left

He's hungry all the time, although he has all the necessary wit and creativity to get along, survive, take his satisfactions on the world and people that are constantly abusing him, or trying to ... whatever: the sky's the limit for Harlequin!

Color illustration by Maurice Sand: Arlechino - 1671
Maurice Sand:
Arlechino (year 1671)
engraving with hand coloring

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