Not much information about Pascariello, except the fact he is some sort of an impersonation of Pulcinella.
Pascariello is Zanni for sure, we can assume looking at the clothes, but mask, mandolin and attitude point more in the Pulcinella direction.
He is a singer and appears in various plays which were shown in the early XIX century, in Milano, Napoli, Trieste, and in a couple of them he sings:
“Se a me fido ognor sarai,
Se il tuo core è sempre mio,
Chiuderò contento i rai,
Lieto in tomba scenderò.”
“If you will always be faithful to me,
If your heart is always mine,
I will happily close my eyes,
And gladly descend in my grave.
Love - Death - Happiness - Sadness.
All the emotions Pulcinella exists for.